Financial Planning

How much money to keep in an emergency fund? And other FAQs.

Ankit Agrawal

By Ankit Agrawal on Jan 2, 2024

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Picture this – a quiet Sunday morning, a cup of coffee, and the comforting hum of your weekend routine. Life is good until... the unexpected happens. You spill your coffee on your laptop. At that moment, the peace you felt quickly becomes a scramble to figure out how to cover the repair costs without derailing your financial plans.

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We've all been there – caught off guard by life's curveballs. That's where the unsung hero of financial planning steps in – the emergency fund. In this guide, we'll explore how to build a robust emergency fund because it's not just a financial buzzword but a crucial part of navigating life's unpredictability.

In this guide, we'll explore how to build a robust emergency fund because it's not just a financial buzzword but a crucial part of navigating life's unpredictability.

Ankit Agrawal

The Purpose of an Emergency Fund:

Emergencies, as we know, don't adhere to schedules or preferences. They could range from surprise medical bills to unexpected job changes or sudden home repairs. An emergency fund isn't just about facing medical crises; it's about creating a financial safety net for all those unforeseen expenses that life throws our way.

Calculating Your Emergency Fund:

It's simpler than it sounds. Consider maintaining an emergency fund equal to 6 to 12 months of your regular monthly expenses. Let's break it down with a real-life example. If you spend Rs.40,000 a month, your emergency fund should ideally be between Rs.2,40,000 (40,000*6) to Rs.4,80,000 (40,000*12).

Calculate your emergency fund based on your expenses rather than your income. The rationale behind this is to ensure that your emergency fund is enough to cover unforeseen expenses and is not excessive. This avoids having too much idle money that could otherwise be utilized to maximize returns.

Ankit Agrawal

Where to Keep Your Emergency Funds:

When it comes to your emergency fund, accessibility is key. Split it into two parts – a small portion tucked away in a fixed deposit for instant access and the rest easily reachable in liquid mutual funds.

Curious about where to park your emergency fund for the best returns? Chat with us, and we'll help you explore the right funds to ensure your money is both secure and working for you. Your financial peace of mind is just a chat away!

Important Tips When Building an Emergency Fund:

Consider the Risk of Job Loss/Losing Income:

Imagine a sudden job loss. If you’re a freelancer or if job security is a concern, aim for a larger i.e. close to 12-month emergency fund.

Factor in Dependents:

If you have people depending on you, especially those with critical needs like ageing parents, adjust your emergency fund to ensure they're taken care of during unexpected financial troubles.

As we navigate our financial journey, the laptop incident teaches us a key lesson – life is unpredictable. An emergency fund isn't just a financial buffer; it's your ticket to facing life's uncertainties confidently. Let's embrace the power of the emergency fund and build financial resilience, one unexpected moment at a time.

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Commonly asked questions:

1. How much do I need in my emergency fund?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer, but a good starting point is 6 months of your essential living expenses. Think rent, groceries, utilities, and any essential debt payments. This number may fluctuate depending on your income, family situation, and job security.

2. Can I afford to save with my current budget?

Absolutely! Building an emergency fund is a marathon, not a sprint. Start small and consistent, even if it's just Rs. 500 a month. Every rupee saved adds up. Consider these cost-cutting strategies:

  1. Track your expenses: Identify areas where you can trim unnecessary spending. Cook at home more often: Ditch expensive takeout and embrace the joys of home-cooked meals.

  2. Rethink subscriptions: Do you need all those streaming services? Evaluate and cancel any unused subscriptions.

  3. Boost your income: Consider a side hustle or freelance gigs to add to your savings.

3. Where should I park my emergency fund?

The priority here is accessibility, not growth. Your emergency fund needs to be readily available in case of unexpected situations. Split the fund into 2 parts, one goes in a fixed deposit and the other can be in a liquid mutual fund. Avoid investments with potential market volatility.

4. What if I tap into my emergency fund? Am I starting over?

Don't panic! That's exactly what it's there for. Emergencies happen, and using your funds for unforeseen expenses is perfectly acceptable. The key is to replenish it as soon as possible to maintain your financial safety net.

Ready to take charge of your financial resilience? Log in to our platform now and start planning your emergency fund needs. Your future self will thank you!

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